♕ Pearlcurrent

a tall, imposing white molly with red tabby splashes on long, flowy fur, and a frilled mixed Ruby Sea Dragon and Leafy Sea Dragon tail
Pearlcurrent was never meant to be an heir to the leadership position - that was her sister, Podshine, but her mysterious death would thrust her into the throne. Soon after, her mother, Crimsoncurrent, would end her long reign. It would finally be Pearlcurrent's turn to rule, but, for the first time in history, WraithClan refused to pay moonly tribute. Wounded by their attack on traditions, she declared war on them, allying herself with SpireClan. As of late, she's been frayed, impulsive, and difficult to approach.

♕ Gleampool

handsome young ginger tabby tom with flowy fur, green eyes, and a Ruby Sea Dragon tail
Gleampool was third in line for the throne. From his birth as the only kit to Podshine, he was trained separately from other apprentices to be leader. He's always been amicable, quiet and reflective, not at all like his royal kin (and in constant questioning of them), and was in shock when he was promoted to the deputy position not long ago at just 11 moons old. He is the youngest cat in


A small brown and white molly with brown eyes and a brown moray eel tail
It seemed evident early on that the nervous Murkydream simply wouldn't be happy as a warrior, so she was turned over to train as a healer. Her relationship with her mentor became increasingly more strained as Murkydream became overwhelmed with the life and studies of a healer apprentice. Her mentor's no-nonsense attitude meant that they'd never quite reach an understanding, and drifted further every day until his passing.

Cats marked with a ♕ are royal descendants.


STORMCRASH - a large, amber eyed, heavyset tom with an eel tail and strong jaws.

CRESTCROWN - a blue eyed molly with a thin coat of cream colored fur

PUPQUILL - a spikey-furred yellow-and-white tabby cat with spined fins along their back
Apprentice - Murexpaw


URCHINSTRIKE - a calico cat with folded ears and a turquoise-speckled stingray tail
RIBBONTAIL - a sleek, thin, maroon and blue short furred oriental tom with a long ribbon eel hind tail
SHELLFROST - a blue-eyed cinnamon tortoiseshell tom with a white underbelly and a clownfish tail

SEALSIGHT - a small, fluffy white tom with black spotting and sectoral blue and golden eyes
RUSHFOOT - a toothy Red Sea Dragon tailed tom with vivid red tabby patches


WISPPAW - a long, lithe blue point tom with blind crimson eyes and prominent fangs

MUREXPAW - an orange-red and white striped cat and a yellowish face and paws


Former non-royal deputy of BreamClan, exiled for insubordination after shirking her duties to find WraithClan and rally warriors. Proceeded by Gleampool shortly after.

A molly who simply chose loner life after growing sick of the proud nature clan cats typically have.


Despite his name being legend, accounts of his life remain vague. He is the first cat pictured in Aquit Cavern, and the surrounding portraits depict him rallying the surface clans - even after they split into Spire and Bream after a civil war - against WraithClan. He's largely credited for the clan heirarchy today, having put the tribute system into place and earning the allyship of SpireClan.


Not all of the First Cats were quite a brash as those that would become SpireClan gliders. Some sent a simple prayer to the Ocean and dove straight towards the jagged reefs. It was a treachorous path, but they trusted in the Ocean to guide them through safely, all the while the coral surrounding them slaughtered their enemies.

Flattered by their trust in Her, and She granted them immunity to all of Her creatures poisons and stings. These cats became the first BreamClan warriors.


BreamClan cats are easily identifiable and spotted in seconds outside of the reef. They come in the most vivid shades of the rainbow, with intricate dapple and tabby patterns that aide in camouflage. Characterized by frills, fins, and spines, they're beautiful, but deadly. Every cat in the sea knows that a foe that calls attention to themselves is one that should be avoided. BreamClan cats are known for excreting toxins in bites, claws and scales alike.

Royal Family

The "Royal Family" is a nickname that Redcurrent's descendants have earned, but no one dares use it to their faces. Redcurrent's kin have served as leaders ever since his ancient rule. Some cats that don't have his blood have held deputy positions, but tend to pass on before their leaders to be replaced with whatever Redcurrent heir has been chosen. Cats have always suspected foul play, but never uproariously made accusations. Pearlcurrent, the most recent leader of BreamClan, confirmed to most cats that any non-royal cat in the deputy position is simply a placeholder, and skipped the formality entirely in making her 11 crest old nephew deputy.


Maestros are proud scribes of BreamClan's history. They record important events of BreamClan through depicting them in cave art in Aquit Cave, made up of paints from colorful poisons, a feat made possible by their resistance to toxins.
Maestros organize their paintings by 'era', which is marked by the beginning and end of each leadership. Leaders and fully trained healers receive full body portraits beneath the last era. Healers get smaller portraits underneath them. Beneath these high roles, there's room left for cats to leave their paw prints. Cats do so three moons after birth, after an apprentice ceremony, and any other time they move through clan ranks. Their marks are slashed through by loved ones upon death. Exile will result in the removal of prints completely. Beneath this lies paintings of any important events (plague, war, etc).

Maestros day to day jobs include making paints and tending to Aquit Cave. Apprenticeship for this position means honing yourself as an artist everyday, as well as the daunting task of learning the history of BreamClan. Practice paintings are often made and found along the extra corridors of the cave.

The esteem of the position comes with high expectations and hard work. A maestro's worst fear would to be known as a 'dauber', a crude artist, and it's a very high insult among the rank.


Though they live in the Epipelagic zone with SpireClan, BreamClan territpry is characterized by a completely different environment. Fish, eels and octopi alike teem every nook of the reef alongside branches of coral, sea sponges, sea stars that cling to them, and the notorious anemone. Everything from electric eels of the reef to the jellyfish of territory outskirts are edible thanks to BreamClan's immunities. The clan has never known a famine.

Modern BreamClanners embrace the strategy that saved their ancestors. Any attacker, mercat or shark, cannot ambush the reef successfully without butchering themselves on jagged branches of coral or falling prey to anemone stings. Bream immunity to stings and toxins means that they're able to breeze through their territory as their foes struggle to keep up. When what's left of the invaders manages to make it through, they are quickly forced to play an impossible game of defense against BreamClan warriors equipped with toxins of their own. Dubbed Vivir Field, the reef portion that makes up most of BreamClan territory is as bountiful to its inhabitants as it is lethal to all others.